Prepare programmer
- Generate a private key inside the programmer
- Provision certificate to the programmer
- Program signed firmware to the programmer
- Key exchange between a programmer and cloud server
Export package
- Upload firmware for target boards to cloud server
- Cloud server encrypts package information with shared key
- The resulting cipher text (package) can be downloaded to OEM’s PC.
It can then be sent to CM.
Import package
- Import the cipher text (package) to the programmer
- The package information is stored in the flash of the programmer
- Production limit (over-production protection)
- Token (for downloading signed firmware)
Device authentication provisioning
- Register a target board on the cloud server
- Generate a private key inside the target board
- Provision certificate to the target board
Firmware provisioning
- Ask server to create keypairs for secure boot on target board
- Program public keys for secure boot to target board
- Signed firmware is transmitted to programmer over HTTPS.
- Program bootloader firmware(BL2) to target board via SWD
- Securely program app firmware(BL3) to target board via ISP UART
Firmware upgrade
- The server checks if the version number of firmware
is greater than that of the target board.
- Signed firmware is transmitted to programmer over HTTPS.
- Securely program app firmware(BL3) to target board via ISP UART