Device provisioning authentication
participant c as Cloud Server
participant a as Programmer (NuLink3)
participant t as Target Board (MCU UID_A)<br/> (UID: Unique ID)
a ->> a : Trigger
a ->> t : Program DevAuth snippet code to SRAM via debug interface
Note right of a: DevAuth code snippet
Note over t: [SRAM] DevAuth code snippet
t ->> t : Run DevAuth code snippet
a ->> t : Request for UID of target board
t ->> a : Send UID of target board
Note left of t: UID_A
a ->> c : Register target board using its UID
c ->> a : Send OBJ_ID_A
t ->> t : Generate private key (for authentication) <br/> in SRAM, then save to KeyStore
Note over t: [KEY_STORE] AUTH_PRI_A key
t ->> t : Generate public key using private key
Note over t: [SRAM] AUTH_PUB_A key
t ->> a : Send public key (AUTH_PUB_A)
a ->> t : Send CertificationRequestInfo
t ->> t : Generate Signature using private key
t ->> a : Send signature
a ->> a : Generate CSR
Note over a: Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
a ->> c : Send CSR to HTTP API server, <br/> using Wi-Fi interface and HTTPS protocol
c ->> c : Create device certificate
Note over c: DEV_CERT_A
c ->> a : Provision DEV_CERT_A
a ->> t : Program DEV_CERT_A, ROOTCA, <br/> ICA certificates and OBJ_ID_A into FLASH (protected)
%% {TODO} a ->> t : Provision DEV_CERT_A, ROOTCA, ICA certificate into OTP memory <br/>OBJ_ID_A into FLASH (protected)
Note over t: [FLASH (protected)] ROOTCA_CERT, ICA_CERT, DEV_CERT_A, OBJ_ID_A